- 於城市規劃條例下的「現有用途」指該骨灰龕提供的龕位在有關法定圖則首次刊憲前已存在而該項用途由展開以來一直持續進行。有關法定圖則首次刊憲的日期載於該法定圖則的說明書內。而證明其骨灰龕屬「現有用途」的責任屬於營運者。
- 根據現時的《城市規劃條例》, 規劃監督只可以在發展審批地區圖涵蓋的地方(即新界鄉郊)進行土地利用的執管工作。
- 資料中列明的規劃及/或地政申請不一定可獲批准。
- 政府或有關牌照/許可證/短期租約/短期豁免書的持有人可隨時發出一至三個月通知期的終止通知書 (通知期的確實時限視乎有關牌照/許可證/租約/豁免書所載的條款而定),終止有關牌照/許可證/短期租約/短期豁免書。任何人如擬在有關處所存放骨灰,應向經營者查核和確定一旦終止通知書
- 發出時移走骨灰的安排。
- For any columbarium to be considered as an 'existing use' under the statutory plan, it must be a use in existence before the gazetting of the first statutory plan and has continued since it came into existence. The date of the gazetting of the first statutory plan could be found in the Explanatory Statement of the statutory plan.
- It is the responsibility of the operator to prove its columbarium as an "existing use".
- Under the Town Planning Ordinance, the Planning Authority may only take enforcement and regulatory actions in respect of land use in areas covered by the Development Permission Area Plans (i.e. rural areas in the New Territories).
- There is no guarantee that the planning and/or lands applications set out in the Information will be approved.
- The Government or the holder(s) of the relevant licence/permit/short term tenancy/short term waiver can at any time serve a 1 to 3 month's termination notice (the period of notice depends on the conditions specified in the relevant licence/permit/tenancy/waiver) to terminate the relevant licence/permit/short term tenancy/short term waiver. Any
- person intends to deposit human remains in the premises ought to check and confirm with the operator about the arrangement for the removal of human remains if in case such termination notice is served.
The information provided in the Information on Private Columbaria (“the Information”) is for general reference only. No statement, representation or warranty, express or implied, is given by the Note 270 as to its accuracy, completeness or appropriateness for use in any particular circumstances. Note 270 shall not be responsible for any errors in, omissions from, or misstatements or misrepresentations concerning (whether express or implied) any part of the Information, and shall not be held liable or accept any liability, obligation or responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage whatsoever (including, without limitation, consequential loss or damage) arising from or in respect of any use, inability to use, misuse of or reliance on the Information.
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